Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Neighbors Had Doubts About Complex That Collapsed in Taiwan Quake


The 17-story Wei-Guan Golden Dragon apartment complex on Monday, two days after it collapsed in an earthquake in Tainan, southern Taiwan. CreditTyrone Siu/Reuters 

TAINAN, Taiwan — Long before a 17-story condominium complex was ever built across the street from his family home in the early 1990s, Yang Yumin used to play on the site as a boy.

It was a large rice field then, with a canal down one side, a stream that had been straightened and channeled in his grandparents’ day. The field was flooded and soggy when the rice was growing. But after each harvest it would dry, and Mr. Yang and his friends would fly kites and kick soccer balls there.

Now 109 people are entombed in dark, chilly underground cavities at the site, after an earthquake turned a vast, gray apartment complex into a thick tangle of shattered concrete, broken glass and twisted steel bars. In hindsight after the predawn quake on Saturday, Mr. Yang and other neighborhood residents said, there were many clues to suggest that the complex, the Wei-Guan Golden Dragon, had always been doomed.

“Locals never bought condos there because the builders did not have a good reputation — it was all outsiders who bought there,” said Mr. Yang, 40, a glass-factory engineer who still lives in a three-story house across the street.

Rescue workers searched for earthquake victims and survivors on Monday.CreditRitchie B. Tongo/European Pressphoto Agency

Lee Kunhuan, an architect and a former mayor of the area, said that the giant complex complied with local regulations when it was built in 1992, but only because the developers exploited loopholes that have since been closed. For starters, today they would have been limited to four stories, not 17.
“Under the current regulations, they would never have been allowed to build such a big building,” Mr. Lee said. “When the design and blueprints were done, they probably did not allow for earthquakes.”
The developer, Lin Minghui, who had a checkered business history, has disappeared since the disaster.
Tainan officials were initially relieved that the earthquake seemed to have killed only 10 people across a city of 1.8 million. That relief turned to horror when sophisticated infrared scans of the collapsed building early Sunday morning detected heat from the bodies of 130 people scattered deep inside the rubble, their images glowing on sensors like stars in a subterranean night.
By midday Tuesday, the official death toll was 40, with 109 people listed as missing.
A municipal investigation has begun into the causes of the collapse of the Golden Dragon, and local prosecutors have opened a separate inquiry. But officials declined to discuss even initial findings.
“First we’ll rescue people, and then we’ll issue a judgment,” said Lai Shu-hui, a deputy secretary general of Tainan.
Neighbors, including Mr. Lee, who has lived all of his 64 years in a single-story house less than two blocks from the Golden Dragon, have their own theories.
one video by the local broadcaster EBC shows the extent of the damage that an earthquake caused to a 17-story apartment tower in southern Taiwan on Saturday.
 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS on Publish DateFebruary 7, 2016. Photo by Associated Press. Watch in Times Video »

Mr. Lee, who is also on the Tainan City Council, described a series of decisions dating to the 1980s that allowed the building of a complex nearly six times as tall as the mostly three-story structures around it. With nine buildings joined to form a giant U, the wide complex filled every square foot of its site — newer regulations restrict construction to 60 percent — and overhung the surrounding sidewalks on columns that quickly failed as the earth moved. 
Tapping decades of experience in the area, Mr. Lee raised doubts about the shape of the complex and questioned the dedication of local building inspectors who had also approved thousands of projects across the earthquake-prone island.
He spoke as 16 rescue teams from across Taiwan gingerly worked their way through the top layers of the collapsed complex. They had already lifted 36 bodies sealed in white plastic bags out of the wreckage on platforms suspended from a huge blue crane.
Officials said that fewer than a dozen people remained alive, but in perilous condition, close to the surface of the rubble. Doctors tried to amputate the foot of one man but could not gain proper access to it, so they could only give him a blood transfusion, the city government said in a statement; rescuers finally extricated him on Monday, but by then gangrene had set in and he was being treated at a hospital.
Time was running out: By 4 a.m. Tuesday in Taiwan — 3 p.m. Monday in New York — people had been trapped for 72 hours, a milestone after which rescue is rare.
On Tuesday morning, after agonized deliberations by the authorities, rescuers began the sustained use of heavy earth-moving equipment to search for survivors. That could allow them to reach the roughly 100 people imprisoned through the lower layers of concrete, but it could crush some victims and also endanger the few near the top who still had a chance at survival. Yet hand-held power tools have had little effect on the debris, compressed into vast uneven mounds from the force of the fall.
“It’s so squashed together that there’s no way to get in there,” said Shing Jon Chu, a worker from the Taiwan Elite International Rescue Association, whose rescue dog, a black German shepherd named Sunny, had severely cut her right hind leg clambering through the pile.
Making matters worse is that a water main broke right after the earthquake, flooding the bottom layers of wreckage. The temperature here has been in the low 50s, raising a risk of hypothermia for anyone inside.
By early Tuesday afternoon, it had been nearly 24 hours since anyone had been found alive in the rubble. The last survivor rescued was an 8-year-old girl freed from the debris on Monday.
The story of Wei-Guan Golden Dragon began in 1982, when rice farms in the area were rezoned to allow residential or commercial development. Under a pre-World War II regulation, since repealed, the site’s location facing a six-lane road meant that a tall building would be permitted, Mr. Lee said, and that the facades could extend to the road’s edge as long as sidewalk overhangs provided shelter from sun and rain.
The two sides of the U-shaped complex, 17 floors soaring straight up on columns, collapsed during the quake, Mr. Lee said; the third, with a load-bearing wall and no overhang, fell over sideways but stayed more intact.
The U shape gave west-facing apartments sunset views over lower buildings to the ocean in the distance. But Mr. Lee said that design was inherently less sturdy than the more common square-shaped structures in the area, and that without that fourth wall to hold the ends of the U, the entire building fell in the opposite direction during the earthquake.
Construction was bedeviled with problems, according to neighbors. Mr. Yang, the engineer who lives across the street, said the Wei-guan Construction Company ran out of money for the project in the early 1990s as it tried to build several buildings at the same time. It hastily erected the Golden Dragon’s steel shell, then left it idle for months.
Mr. Lee, who has been a community leader for decades, said the developer found more investors and recapitalized the company. Wei-Guan Construction was subsequently dissolved, and that has made it unclear whom the surviving condo owners might sue; Ms. Lai, the deputy secretary general, said the city government would provide legal assistance to families affected by the building collapse.
Cooking-oil cans and plastic foam were visible Monday inside exterior walls that split open during the collapse, causing frenzied speculation in Taiwan about whether they should have been filled with concrete. But Mr. Lee said that solid concrete could sometimes be more dangerous, by increasing a building’s weight.
He also said that Mr. Lin, the developer, had been involved in many business disputes over the years, and that he had changed his name four times as he started new ventures. That itself is unusual: Taiwan does not officially allow people to change their names more than twice.
Mr. Lin, or whatever one calls him, did not live at the collapsed building. He has not surfaced in public since the earthquake even though many people are looking for him, Mr. Lee said, adding, “No one knows where he is.”

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