Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Medvedev İrəvana və Bakıya gəlir

Bu barədə baş nazirinin mətbuat katibi məlumat yayıb.
Dmitri Medvedyev - Rusiyanın baş naziri
Dmitri Medvedyev - Rusiyanın baş naziri
Rusiyanın baş naziri Dmitri Medvedyev aprelin 7-də İrəvana, 8-də isə Bakıya səfərə gələcək. 
ANS PRESS-in məlumatına görə, bu barədə Rusiya baş nazirinin mətbuat katibi Natalya Timakova deyib.
"Gözlənildiyi kimi, Dmitri Medvedev aprelin 7-də İrəvana gedəcək. Medvedev Ermənistandan sonra Azərbaycana səfər edəcək”, - deyə Timakova bildirib.

20:33 / Qarabağ döyüşləri Kremlin qərarını dəyişdirdi
Rusiyanın baş naziri Dmitri Medvedevin İrəvana səfəri təxirə salınıb. ANS PRESS-in məlumatına görə, Rusiya hökümətindəki mənbə "RBK"-ya bildirib ki, səfərin təxirə salınmasına səbəb Dağlıq Qarabağda vəziyyətin kəskin şəkildə pisləşməsidir.
Mənbə qeyd edir ki, əgər Medvedev İrəvana getsə, bu tərəflərdən birinə dəstək kimi qiymətləndirilə bilərdi. O, 7-8 aprel tarixində Avrasiya İttifaqının baş nazirlərinin sammitində iştirak etməli idi.
Həmçinin aprelin 7-də Rusiyanın xarici işlər naziri Sergey Lavrovun Bakıya səfəri planlaşdırılır. 
Rusiyanın baş naziri Dimitri Medvedev
Rusiyanın baş naziri Dimitri Medvedev
Amma Qarabağda vəziyyətin pisləşməsi ilə bağlı olaraq onun səfərinin təxirə salınacağı ehtimal edilirdi. Rusiya XİN sözçüsü Mariya Zaxarova ötən gün mətbuata açıqlmasında bildirib ki, Sergey Lavrov aprelin 7-də Bakıda Azərbaycan, Rusiya və İran xarici işlər nazirlərinin görüşündə iştirak edəcək.
“Bakıda keçiriləcək üçtərəfli görüşdə nazirin iştirakı təxirə salınmayıb. Nazirlər görüşdə Dağlıq Qarabağdakı vəziyyəti və münaqişənin nizamlanması yollarını müzakirə edəcəklər”, -deyə Rusiya rəsmisi bildirib. 
Azərbaycan və Ermənistan cəbhə xəttində atəşkəs rejiminin kəskin formada pozulmasından sonra Rusiya tərəfləri sülhə dəvət etməklə fəallıq göstərdi. Cəbhədə gərginlik aprel ayının 2-si gecə saatlarından başlayıb. 
Qısa müddətdə həyata keçirilən sürətli əks-həmlə zamanı erməni birləşmələrinin uzun illərdən bəri mühəndis-istehkam baxımından möhkəmləndirdiyi birinci müdafiə xətti cəbhənin bəzi istiqamətlərində yarılıb, strateji əhəmiyyətə malik bir neçə yüksəklik və yaşayış məntəqələri düşməndən tam azad olunub.
Goranboy rayonu və Naftalan şəhərinə təhlükə yarada biləcək Talış kəndi ətrafındakı yüksəkliklər, eləcə də Seysulan məntəqəsi düşmən qüvvələrindən tam təmizlənib. Horadiz şəhərinin düşmən təhlükəsindən qorunması məqsədilə Füzuli rayonu istiqamətində yerləşən, geniş ərazini nəzarətdə saxlamaq imkanı verən strateji əhəmiyyətli "Lələ təpə" adlandırılan yüksəklik də bölmələrimizin nəzarətinə keçib.


Monday, April 4, 2016

Trump's prediction of 'massive recession' puzzles economists


Donald Trump's prediction that the U.S. economy was on the verge of a "very massive recession" hit a wall of skepticism on Sunday from economists who questioned the Republican presidential front-runner's calculations.
In a wide-ranging interview with the Washington Post published on Saturday, the billionaire businessman said a combination of high unemployment and an overvalued stock market had set the stage for another economic slump. He put real unemployment above 20 percent.
"We're not heading for a recession, massive or minor, and the unemployment rate is not 20 percent," said Harm Bandholz, chief U.S. economist at UniCredit Research in New York.
The official unemployment rate has declined to 5 percent from a peak of 10 percent in October 2009, according to government statistics. But a different, broader measure of unemployment that includes people who want to work but have given up searching and those working part-time because they cannot find full-time employment is at 9.8 percent.
Coming off a difficult week on the campaign trail, in which he acknowledged he made a series of missteps, Trump's comments to the Washington Post might be some of his most bearish on the economy and financial markets.
"I think we're sitting on an economic bubble. A financial bubble," he said.
While calling it a bubble might be a stretch, the fall in corporate profits and the recent rally in stock prices has pushed up the market's valuation, and stocks on balance are about 15 percent pricier at the moment than their long-term average valuation.
But a cataclysmic economic downturn originating in the United States appears to be a remote possibility.
"There is a very low probability of a massive recession, less than 10 percent," said Sung Won Sohn, an economics professor at California State University Channel Islands in Camarillo. "If it happens, it would be because of what is happening overseas, especially in China and Europe."
While some economists agreed that the stock market may be overvalued, few saw that as foretelling a recession.
"Nobody can predict what the stock market is going to do," Rajeen Dhawan, director of Economic Forecasting Center at Georgia State University, said. "I cannot predict a stock market crash, so I cannot predict a recession. I don't see any of the reasons for a recession going forward unless there is a huge problem with the market or there is some catastrophic world event which is beyond the scope of economics."
The Democratic National Committee criticized Trump for making his remarks, saying they "undermine our economy."
Trump's success with voters, despite sometimes saying things only to contradict them later, has also alarmed many leading figures within his own party. Some of them are openly plotting to try to prevent him from becoming the nominee at the party's national convention in July.
Reince Priebus, the Republican National Committee chairman, said on Sunday that voters were "afraid" of their economic situation when asked about Trump's remarks on CNN's 'State of the Union' show.
"When people are afraid and when they're angry, sometimes people say things that they regret," he said, apparently referring to Trump's remarks. "The truth is that people are concerned about the future, and every candidate is going to communicate their message differently."
He also played down speculation that party leaders will seek to dislodge Trump by helping someone who is not yet even a declared candidate prevail at the convention, which becomes governed by complicated voting rules if no candidate arrives with a clear majority of votes.
"I think that our candidate is someone who's running," Priebus said, referring to Trump, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas and Ohio Governor John Kasich. The candidates will next face voters on Tuesday in Wisconsin, where recent polls tend to show Cruz holding a small lead over Trump.
(Additional reporting by Richard Cowan and Susan Cornwell; Writing by Jonathan Allen; Editing by Mary Milliken and Jonathan Oatis)

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump talks with the media as he stops in for breakfast at Miss Katie's Diner, while campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin April 3, 2016.


Video: woman mowed down by car speeding from police in Molenbeek

02/04 21:19 CET
  | updated at 03/04 - 21:17
Belgian police arrested several right-wing and anti-racist protesters on Brussels on Saturday.
Riot officers engaged in a tense confrontation with local youth in the Molenbeek neighbourhood.
In one incident witnessed by a Reuters reporter, a car hit a woman as it sped away from police.
Both the right-wing demonstration and the anti-racist counter protest had been banned by local authorities. They wanted to avoid a repeat of last weekend’s disturbance when police fired water canon to break up protesters, many of whom were said to be right-wing nationalists.
“Considering what happened here last Sunday, with extreme right-wing people almost being escorted by the police, we thought that it would be important to be here to denounce this,” said Brussels resident Violette Fertimel. “Especially after all that happened, we should not fall into hatred, not give in to terror and not give in to fascists on the street.”
In the centre of Brussels, police held about ten anti-racist protesters who had gathered near the bourse where a makeshift memorial had been set up after last months airport and metro attacks.


Worst deadly fighting in years hits breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh

Images from the Nagorno-Karabakh military reportedly show the aftermath of heavy fighting in the Armenian separatist enclave in Azerbaijan.
The fighting erupted on Saturday killing dozens of people and threatening to shatter a fragile truce.
The Azeri Ministry of Defence claimed that six Armenian tanks were destroyed and more than 100 Armenian servicemen were killed and injured.
It added that 12 Azeri soldiers had been killed.
Armenia denied the figure of 100 casualties.
It is still unclear how many of the casualties are civilians.
Nagorno-Karabkh’s military claimed Armenian forces had shot down an Azeri helicopter. Baku later admitted that one of its Mi-24 helicopters had been struck down.
The Armenian Defence Ministry said: “The enemy, using tanks, artillery and aviation made attempts to get deep into the defence lines of the Nagorno-Karabakh Army of Defence and capture tactical positions. The enemy was thwarted.”
Armenia said 18 ethnic Armenians were killed and 35 injured.

The Azeri defence ministry claimed it had taken strategically important settlements, a claim denied by Armenia.
Both sides reported civilian casualties, accusing one another of violating the 1994 ceasefire.
Russia, a key mediator in the conflict, has stepped in, with President Vladimir Putin calling for both sides to observe the ceasefire to ‘avert new casualties’.
Germany has also called for restraint.
There have been frequent threats by Azerbaijan to take Nagorno-Karabakh back by force.
It is unclear whether the clashes on Saturday marked a new phase in the conflict or merely a flare-up of tensions.
The ethnic war which began in the late 1980s claimed the lives of 30,000 people before ending in 1994 with a ceasefire but no final settlement.