Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump stands by his travel ban despite protests

Donald Trump’s administration has declared the enforcement of a temporary ban on refugees and people from seven Muslim-majority countries as “a massive success”.
In a statement an official said all three of the president’s orders restricting entry into the US are to remain in full effect for now, despite widespread protests.
Trump’s executive order, signed on Friday, (Jan 27) halted the entire US refugee programme for 120 days, indefinitely banned Syrian refugees, and suspended all nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries.

“extreme vetting”

On Sunday (Jan 29) the president showed he was standing firm, using social media to say the US “needs strong borders and extreme vetting”.
Our country needs strong borders and extreme vetting, NOW. Look what is happening all over Europe and, indeed, the world - a horrible mess!
President Trump went on to say:
“To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting,” Trump said in a statement on Sunday. “This is not about religion – this is about terror and keeping our country safe. There are over 40 different countries worldwide that are majority Muslim that are not affected by this order.”
Meanwhile there have been demonstrations across the country for a second day. The American Civil Liberties Union says it will help people with valid visas or refugee status who have found themselves detained in transit or at US airports.
In Los Angeles protesters denounced Trump’s actions.
“I came today to send a message to Trump and his administration that we don’t want any ban, we don’t want any wall. We don’t want a fascist USA.”
In Washington demonstrators welcomed air passengers who’d been allowed through.

legal challenges

Trump may have signed his directive on Friday but the policy appears to have been evolving as each hour passed. Border and customs officials have struggled to put it into into practice while sixteen state attorneys general have said the order is unconstitutional and several federal judges have temporarily halted the deportation of visa holders .
@RepJackBergman Travel Ban is unconstitutional & unamerican. anyone who sides wDOTUS will be on wrong side of history.The world is watching

@realTimThompson Please read a newspaper, nobody is protesting because they lost-the whole USA loses with Unconstitutional Trump policies
@cnsumerhorror OMFG. That's what I mean. It's NOT unconstitutional! It's same travel ban imposed by Obama, Clinton and Carter.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

Son Dakika İzmir'de silahlı saldırı

Son Dakika İzmir'de silahlı saldırı

İzmir'in Tire ilçesinde silahlı saldırı. Yol kenarında oturan 2 kişiye hareket halindeki bir araçtan ateş açıldı. Silah seslerini duyan vatandaşlarca Tire Devlet Hastanesi'ne kaldırılan yaralılardan birinin hayati tehlikesinin bulunduğu öğrenildi.

Tire ilçesinde, yol kenarında oturanlara hareket halindeki otomobilden ateş açılması sonucu 2 kişi yaralandı.
Alınan bilgiye göre, 4 Eylül Mahallesi Aslanlı Çeşme Mevkiinde oturan Yılmaz İmer ve Onur Beletoğlu'na, yoldan geçen bir otomobilden ateş açıldı.
Olayda İmer ve Beletoğlu yaralandı.
Silah seslerini duyan vatandaşlarca Tire Devlet Hastanesine kaldırılan yaralılardan İmer'in hayati tehlikesinin bulunduğu öğrenildi.
Tire İlçe Emniyet Müdürlüğü ekipleri olayla ilgili araştırma başlattı.